Prenatal birth preparation courses in english; onsite face to face, in central Brussels and online
Led by experienced midwives.
Our prenatal birth classes prepare the pregnant woman and her partner realistically and totally for what is to come; we recommend that you aim to complete your birth preparation by your 36/37th week of pregnancy. No more than 8 couples/singles per course. Same-sex couples and single attendees warmly welcomed. Led by midwives, an hypnobirth instructor, a paediatric occupational therapist, a paediatrician and IBCLC lactation consultants.
NEW – Paediatrician Dr Birgit von Horsten will be in attendance for 15 mins to give information on hospital procedures and community care.
Prenatal Courses available;
12-hour ONSITE in 6 sessions
12-hour course in 4 sessions
Hybrid 12-hour ONSITE/ONLINE
Compact 5.5hr ONLINE (suitable as refresher course, or for the busy first time parents)
Breastfeeding Preparation Workshop ONSITE and ONLINE
Complete Baby Skills Workshop ONSITE
Cancellation fee – refund of fee minus 20% for admin and money transfer costs
Prenatal Courses - Online
Online courses for prenatal
Prenatal Courses - Face to face
Onsite, face to face courses
Book face-to-face, offsite courses here
Book your face to face courses here